
Retiring IPFS

I have begun the process of retiring my usage of IPFS in favor of a system I am prototyping. Until the new system is up and running, I will be moving all the projects I have been publishing to IPFS to the normal clearnet World Wide Web. My reasons for retiring IPFS are many, but here are the main ones: It is not private While it claims to have a level censorship resistance, as of December 2021, IPFS contains no way to provide data without your public IP from being globally enumerable, along with being able to find out what content you are hosting.

A Proposal for a New Unit for Measuring High Vacuum

I came across a post on Gab about making a vacuum wax (Faraday Wax) and got sidetracked looking into things high vacuum. I haven’t a clue why, but while looking at a paper on vacuum measurement, saw quantities everywhere expressed as power of ten (10^-5 torr) everywhere and was struck by how clumsy this is. I don’t have any practical experience with high vacuum, just the textbook knowledge I got in college and have pieced together from the internet, but I do have experience with a unit where something similar takes place if it weren’t used: the decibel.