Idea: IPFS Git Browser

While setting up the git repo for the IPFS Scanner), something I thought would make it more appealing is a client-side git browser written in JavaScript. So, instead of the default IPFS file browser, you would get something that looks more like what GitHub or gitlab shows for a repo. At this point, it is just a daydream. If it happens, it happens. If not, I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.

IPFS Scanner Post 2

I’ve got the scanner working mostly correctly and have a results page available here. As of the time of writing, the script is only listing two sites, tslil clingman’s personal page and a page that consists of nothing but “Meow”. A little bit of a letdown, especially considering that I’ve seen several other pages when manually looking thru the results of the scanner. I probably need to modify the timeout on the page fetching.

IPFS Scanner Post 1

I have started working on an IPFS scanner/indexer. The basic premise is to attempt to resolve the IPNS name of every connected peer, then download the index.html for each of the names that resolve, and create a page that provides a list of page titles and a simple description similar to a search engine results page. Right now, the scanner is working reasonably well. I have found about 150 names that can be resolved from my node.

Publish Script

I got around to creating a publish script to handle regenerating the static site and publishing to IPFS. Here is the script: # Build the static site hugo # Publish to IPFS ID=/ipns/$(ipfs id -f="<id>\n") OLD_HASH=$( ipfs name resolve $ID ) NEW_HASH=/ipfs/$( ipfs add -r public | tail -n1 | cut -d' ' -f2 ) if [[ "$OLD_HASH" != "$NEW_HASH" ]]; then ipfs name publish $NEW_HASH && ipfs pin rm $OLD_HASH fi Pretty straight forward.

Setting up this IPFS Blog

While scanning all the IPFS nodes that mine was connected to, I came across PUSH32DUP2 ( ipfs, www ), liked the look of the site and decided that I wanted that for myself. So here we are, the obligatory “I’m setting up a page on IPFS” post. IPFS Setup I’m not going to cover setting up IPFS, because if you are here, you have probably already done this, but you should have two command line parameters to make IPNS behave is a more sane manner: